The Strange Recursion Codex is Active–Do Not Post Anything You Want to Copyright

Monte Cook games has announced that the “Recursion Codex” website is online. Game masters can use this resource to post their 300x100xStrangeLogo-Color-10101-300x100.jpg.pagespeed.ic.OCld5mrpCQ-1 recursion (campaign worlds) to share with other gamers and  lose all their copyrights on that world/recursion.

From the Terms of Use:

You relinquish all claims of copyright over content you post.

I post this warning because many game masters often have dreams of publishing their game world as a novel, adventure or even an entire game world for fun and profit.  By placing your world on the recursion site you might lose the ability to copyright your original work. I am not a lawyer, so this is just questionable advice on the internet, but I thought that I would sound the alarm.

I do this because the “next big thing” is currently brewing in some game master’s head and if  “Twilight” fanfic can become a wildly successful book and now movie, then anything is possible.


I am a huge fan of Monte Cook Games’ products and this post should in no way be interpreted as an attack on the company or its policies. I just want “The Strange” community to use the Recursion Codex aware of the terms of use.


FYI, I will  not post the link to “The Strange”  recursion codex site until tomorrow because it is only open to Kickstarter backers. Once it goes public I will add the link.


Recursion Codex Link


Trask, The Last Tyromancer




Trask is a long-time gamer, world traveler and history buff. He hopes that his scribblings will both inform and advance gaming as a hobby.